Luke Judy is Looking Forward to the Next Chapter

Actor and Singer/Songwriter, Luke Judy, is starting another chapter in his already illustrious career as part of the Indie Rock duo Duplexity. The second half of the duo is none other than his sister Savannah. Duplexity is gearing up to debut their music in a live performance in Los Angeles in August and Luke couldn’t be more excited about this new venture! I caught up with Luke in between studio time for an interview about his music, his career, and his future plans.

Tell us about your band Duplexity.

Duplexity is amazing and it just happens to be me and my sister Savannah’s band! We are an Indie Rock Duo. We have been working in the studio and will be releasing original music by the end of July. We cannot wait for the world to hear it! We have our first performance as Duplexity in August and cannot wait to book more gigs. I sing some songs by myself with Savannah singing back up and she sings some and I sing backup. We also have a couple duets. Savannah plays bass and I am the front man who interacts with the band and audience. I feel like we have been able to showcase our individual talents and still work as a team. 

What was your inspiration behind creating a band?

Our biggest inspiration to form a band is that we love music and have been singing forever. When we were really little, we would perform songs for our parents and put on mini concerts. We couldn’t wait until we got a little older so we could go to the School of Rock and participate in their performance program. It was there that we were first introduced to performing live in a band. Early this year we got an opportunity to form a garage band with a couple of our friends and we really loved the camaraderie of practicing and playing music. It was after a performance with that band that we decided to form Duplexity. 

You were in the Oscar Nominated film Bombshell. Tell us about that experience.

Bombshell was an important film for so many reasons and a great film to be a part of. There were so many talented actors in the film and being able to watch them and learn was a real honor. Nicole Kidman was of course amazing to work with and she was so sweet to us. We feel lucky to have been even a small part of that film. 

What was it like working with your real-life sibling on that film?

Working with Savannah on Bombshell was, as always, the best! We love working together. Any chance we get to be scene partners we take it. Acting is such a personal thing and when you do a scene with someone who knows you so well it’s second nature. We always help each other prepare for every audition and we read with each other for on our audition tapes.

Photo Credit: Shandon Photography

What was your favorite memory from all the projects you’ve worked on so far?

Wow that’s a hard one. If I have to choose one favorite memory from all the projects I have ever worked on, it will have to be from a Michael Feifer film! Mike’s films are so much fun! He not only runs a professional set he also makes it a fun memorial experience. One time when we were filming “Christmas with The Anderson’s” we had been playing pranks back and forth with George Stults. He played our dad in the film, and he is the best! One day George was on set still and we had a break, so we decided to hide in George’s trailer and take a video of us setting off confetti cannons all over his trailer. We were laughing so hard and having so much fun then we heard George yell “HEY WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN THERE?!?”  he swung open the door scaring us half to death. The best part is my dad got that also in the video. It was an awesome fun time on that film every day was an adventure. 

What is your favorite memory from working on this film?

My favorite memory from working on this film is when on the last day they had us get all ready in our wardrobe and did our hair and makeup we thought we were heading to film but then the AD came and said we were going to lunch. My dad asked if we could change out of our clothes just in case. They said no we had to eat then report to set. We go to craft services and my dad sees they are serving spaghetti and he panics. All he could imagine was us getting spaghetti sauce all over our wardrobe. My dad says, “I’ll be right back, don’t move” He comes back with a roll of trash bags and proceeds to wrap us head to toe in them. I thought Savannah was going to die of embarrassment, but I thought it was hilarious! 

Fun Question– As an actor if you could work with any director who would that be and why?

If I could work with any director in the world I would have to agree with Savannah and say that I would be more than honored to work with Lin- Manuel Miranda. He is a genius! We LOVE Hamilton and like Savannah said we were obsessed with it through the pandemic. We know every single word of the play and would watch it over and over on Disney + and every time we would get in the car we would sing along to the soundtrack. We still occasionally listen to it and one day hope to go to NYC and see it on Broadway. Everything he does is incredible and would love to work on any project of his. 

Do you have any new projects you can tell us about?

The newest and biggest thing I am working on now is Duplexity and our original music. It has already been such an amazing journey from starting the band to naming it to writing and making music. We cannot wait to start performing the music live and see where this next chapter takes us.  

Photo Credit: Teren Oddo

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