Savannah Judy is Excited for Her Newest Venture

Savannah Judy is a Los Angeles based actress and singer/songwriter. Her passion for singing and making music led her to form the Indie Rock band Duplexity with her brother Luke which is set to debut their singles very soon! Savannah has an extensive resume with impressive work but at the moment it is this passion project with her brother that is making her heart sing. I was thrilled when Savannah agreed to this interview with me.  

Tell us about your band Duplexity.

Duplexity is me and my brother, Luke’s new Indie Rock Duo. We are currently working in the studio on original songs, and we cannot wait to release them. Some songs I sing lead and Luke sings back up, others its flipped. Then the rest of the songs we sing together. We are so excited to introduce Duplexity to the world. It is for sure our biggest passion project to date!

What was your inspiration behind creating a band?

   Our biggest inspiration for starting a band is how much we love music and working together as a team. We have been very blessed to have worked together a lot in our careers. We love music and singing so when we found ourselves wanting to start a new band it was the most natural thing to start a singing duo. So much of our identities comes from us being siblings. We are “Irish Twins” so we have been with each other our whole lives and are best friends. 

You were in the Oscar Nominated film Bombshell. Tell us about that experience.

    Bombshell was an amazing experience not only because it was an Oscar nominated studio film, but because of the experience we gained working on such a big project. Watching Nicole Kidman was defiantly a master class in not only acting but in professionalism and grace. We noticed how the lead actors call times were so early and their wrap times were always late. It really taught us that it is not different in acting, you have to work hard to be successful. 

What was it like working with your real-life sibling on that film?

 Working with my brother Luke on Bombshell was amazing. We always love to play siblings and we have even played twins a couple of times. If we could have our way, we would always work together. We are at our best as a team! Who you work with in a scene plays such a huge part in your performance. I always feel at my best when acting alongside Luke. He is the best scene partner in the world. 

Photo Credit: Shandon Photography

What was your favorite memory from all the projects you’ve worked on so far?

It is very hard to pick just one memory to be my favorite of all the projects I have ever done. If I had to pick one to be a top 5 it would have to be when we were very little and on set with the director Michael Feifer.  He referenced the song “Tricky’ By Run DMC and Luke and I at the same time busted out with a full performance of the rap with dance moves and an ending pose. He was speechless and started laughing hilariously. He said how in the world do you guys even know that song?!  Little did he know we had previously had an audition together where we had to perform a rap song with dance moves and my mom worked with us. That’s the thing with actors, you just never know when you will be able to use all the performances you have stored away in your brain. We saw Michael recently at a premiere and we were laughing again about that day. 

What is your favorite memory from working on this film?

My favorite memory from working on the film Bombshell would have to be watching Nicole Kidman do a scene where at the end of it we walk in the house coming home from school. The scene was a heavily emotional moment for her, and she was of course brilliant every take. My dad said to us “take notes, you are literally watching an Oscar winning performance right here!” It was really cool to think we had a bird’s eye view of such magic happening. It was an honor to be even just a small part of such an impactful film. 

Fun Question– As an actor if you could work with any director who would that be and why?

If I could choose any director to work with, I would choose Lin -Manuel Miranda! He is absolutely brilliant. Luke and I have been his biggest fans since we fell in love with Hamilton! His face was our wallpaper for over a year, and we had a nick name for him of “Linny”. We were OBSESSED with him and Hamilton. We knew all the words and actions and we would sing the entire play from start to finish day after day. I love to sing so to be able to work with someone so talented and be able to learn from him and work under his direction would be a dream come true! Plus, he really seems like an amazing, nice guy and solid human.

Do you have any new projects you can tell us about?

Lately we have really been putting all of our creative efforts into Duplexity. We still make it a priority to do all of our acting and improv training and are continually auditioning but the biggest thing we have on the horizon is releasing our original music. We cannot wait to see where this new venture takes us, and the best part is we are on the journey together. 

Photo Credit: Teren Oddo Photo

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