Maya Ixta Delgado is All HeART

Maya Delgado is an actress, recording artist, and philanthropist whose passion for the arts is a big as her talent. While she is best known for her series regular role on the Emmy award winning Apple TV+ show Ghostwriter, she is also a recording artist working on her second EP, and the founder of the HeARTs of Maya organization which awards young artists scholarships in the arts. This pint-sized powerhouse is definitely one to watch in 2023! Recently, I was able to interview Maya on her projects, her non-profit, and her future plans.

Tell us about your latest project.

I am currently working on my second E.P. and hope to release it early next year. It’s a very personal project that I’ve been working on for a while so I hope people of all ages and backgrounds can connect to it like I have. Music is something that has been organically coming to me as a form of expression, so I’m thrilled to discover more about myself in the process.

What was your inspiration behind the HeARTs of Maya organization?

When I started training professionally at a young age, I remember going to my lessons for various arts classes and noticed a disparity that really bothered me.  I noticed that some of my friends stopped attending classes because they couldn’t afford to pay the tuition. I was really sad about that because I knew I would be devastated if I couldn’t go to my arts classes. There were so many talented artists who could not afford to continue their training due to financial difficulties. That was the moment I knew I wanted to do something to help because I thought it wasn’t fair. I went to my parents and talked to them about my concern and frustration. With their help, I did some research on how to start a nonprofit organization to award scholarships to youth who want to pursue the arts, specifically acting, dance and music. That’s how HeARTs of Maya was created!

Why do you think it is important to give back to the community?

A motto that my family lives by is “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice”. It’s a principle that my parents instilled in me since I was very little, and it definitely contributed to the creation of HeARTs of Maya. There are so many people that need help for various reasons. I think if you can help someone in their life whether it’s directly through volunteering or a donation, you are contributing to the betterment of life and society.  It just makes sense!

What was it like to win a Spark! Award for your philanthropic work?

I was so happy and excited to receive this recognition because it was the first award I had ever gotten. I still have the award in my room, and it reminds me every day to be thankful for the people that have supported me along the way.  

What was your favorite memory from all the projects you’ve worked on so far?

Working with my brother on our first professional short film, The HIVE, was so rewarding!  I thought it was going to be a train wreck, but I realized we have so much in common and have the same passion for the arts. After we wrapped our shoot, we were both pleasantly surprised with how well we worked together.  We have garnered several accolades and we look forward to working together again.

Photo Credit: Rochelle Rodin Photography

What is your favorite memory from working on Ghostwriter?

The cast really became my best friends over the course of the days I spent shooting in Canada. My best moments on set were shared with them because they made me feel so welcome and I think we all instantly clicked. My favorite memory was the very first scene in which my character comes out forceful and confident. She was very determined and passionate about a contest taking place at her library, so that was everyone’s first impression of my acting on set! I was stomping down some stairs and then had to stand on an apple box because I was shorter compared to everybody else lol!

Fun Question– If you could work with any actor or musician who would that be and why?

There is a long list of artists I love, and they are all on my poster wall but my number ones would have to be the singers Rosalia or Kali Uchis. They are some of my biggest inspirations in music and I constantly have one of their albums or singles on repeat. They inspire me not only with the input they have on creating their music but also how they are able to effortlessly integrate their culture into their projects. I am also Latina of Mexican and Cuban descent, so I look up to them as I see myself in music.

Do you have any upcoming projects you can tell us about?

I’m going to be shooting a short film this summer alongside my brother who is directing. This past year we started working together on short films and other projects, including our production company, Eyescape Productions. We currently have a short film out called “The HIVE ”, which is an official selection of the Burbank International Film Festival and the LATINO Feedback Film Festival.

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