Lucas Lockwood is Passionate About His Work

Lucas Lockwood is an actor, producer, and writer in Los Angeles, California. His commitment to storytelling is evident in every project he does. Lucas looks for those roles and projects that challenge him on every level. Lucas took time away from his many projects to give this in-depth interview about his career. Thank you, Lucas, for sharing your thoughts with us!

Lucas Lockwood – Please tell us what you are working on now.

At the moment, my days are filled with the thrilling dynamics of the entertainment world. Juggling the production of two series and a feature film has been an adventure involving both a producer’s strategic thinking and an actor’s creativity. It’s a unique balance that challenges me, but I find it immeasurably rewarding. My schedule is quite intense, with little room for deviation, except for the periodic auditions that find their way into my schedule each week. Wearing both hats of producer and actor requires a massive sense of organization and a deep passion for storytelling. From overseeing the production details to stepping into the shoes of a character, it adds layers of fulfillment to my professional journey. The collaborative effort to bring narratives to life is both refreshing and satisfying. It’s more than just a job; it’s a commitment to the art of storytelling, and I find immense joy in being an integral part of that process.

What do you look for when choosing a role?

When selecting a role, I’m drawn to characters who undergo significant personal transformation. There’s a particular thrill in portraying individuals on a journey to change their lives, rise to the top, and defy the skeptics by seeking justice for those wronged. Such roles that showcase the underdog’s triumph, making someone proud in the process, are what I strive to find. Characters like Rocky, Marvel’s Captain America, and Amazon’s Reacher exemplify the type of roles I find fulfilling. Playing such roles allows me to dive into narratives that resonate with themes of resilience, determination, and justice, which are qualities I deeply connect with and enjoy bringing to life on screen.

What has been the hardest character you’ve had to play and why?

The most challenging character I’ve taken on was that of a young single father grappling with the harshest circumstances life had dealt him. He was navigating a path of overcoming addiction while striving to provide a better life for his young daughter. The complexity of the role made it particularly demanding. One of the most difficult aspects was portraying scenes where he experienced panic attacks. These scenes were shot in a single take, with multiple people in the frame, adding another layer of technical challenge. Beyond the technical aspects, the emotional toll of diving into such a raw and intense place was huge. To prepare for these scenes, I developed a routine. I would do push-ups and listen to a playlist I created that I feel this character would listen to. This routine helped me immerse myself emotionally and mentally, enabling me to deliver a performance that left everyone on set speechless. While it was emotionally draining, I felt a sense of accomplishment in doing justice to the character. It was important to me to authentically portray the struggles and emotions that individuals facing similar challenges might experience in real life. Overall, I was happy to be the person who got to share his story, and I am forever changed by it.

What was your favorite memory from all the projects you’ve worked on so far?

One of the standout memories from my various projects has to be the time spent working on S.W.A.T. It was an exhilarating experience as I stepped into the role of a dedicated police officer, determined to solve challenging investigations. What made this project particularly enjoyable was the dynamic range of action sequences we got to dive into. From high-speed chases on stunt cars to intense gunfire scenes, the adrenaline-pumping moments were countless. Perhaps the most unforgettable highlight was the opportunity to literally blow up an armored cash vehicle on the streets of Los Angeles. It was a surreal glimpse into the high-stakes scenarios that some real-life police officers navigate daily, and it fostered a newfound admiration and appreciation for the incredible work they do.

Working alongside a phenomenal cast, including Shemar Moore, Alex Russell, David Lim, Jay Harrington, Patrick St. Esprit, Anna Ritch, and under the direction of Liz Graham, added another layer of enjoyment to the experience. The collaborative energy and camaraderie on set made it not just a job but a memorable journey that showcased the dedication and talent of everyone involved.

Lucas Lockwood
Lucas Lockwood/ Photo Credit: @carlos.mikelangelo

What was your inspiration for starting your own production company?

As my filmmaking skills continued to evolve, I became increasingly aware of the vast array of untold stories waiting to be shared with the world. This realization ignited a passion within me to tell these stories and do so on a grander scale. With a combination of creativity and a growing understanding of the business side of filmmaking, I decided to start my own production company. The driving force behind this decision was my profound love for storytelling and the enchanting world of cinema. I recognized the power of storytelling to connect, inspire, and provoke thought, and I wanted to contribute to that magic. Establishing a production company allowed me to bring together a team of talented individuals, including directors, writers, editors, and technical experts. Over time, I fostered relationships with filmmakers in various roles, creating a network of resources that I could tap into to bring diverse stories to life. Whether collaborating with directors, writers, or skilled technicians like lighting and sound engineers, I believed I had the resources and connections needed to give these stories the platform they deserved. 

Fun Question– As an actor if you could work with anyone alive or dead who would it be and why?

Choosing just one actor to work with is an incredibly tough task, considering the vast pool of talent that has graced the industry. Each actor brings something unique to the table, and I find inspiration in various performances. Denzel Washington’s ability to fully immerse himself in a character, Robert Downey Jr.’s unmatched wit and humor, and Zoe Saldana’s versatility in bringing otherworldly characters to life are all aspects of acting that I deeply admire. Each of them has left a lasting impact on me, fueling my desire to learn and grow as an actor. If I had to pinpoint one dream collaboration, it would probably be with Tom Cruise. Our shared passion for films, stunts, and storytelling aligns seamlessly. The prospect of embarking on an epic adventure with Tom, pushing the boundaries in the same way he does in his movies, would undoubtedly be a highlight in my career and a thrilling experience. The dedication and intensity he brings to his projects resonate with me, and the opportunity to collaborate with someone who shares similar values in filmmaking would be an absolute joy.

Are you writing any new scripts and if so, what can you tell us about them?

Yes, there are several exciting projects in the works that my team and I are currently writing. One of the projects I’m particularly thrilled about is a personal screenplay set in a small town in New Jersey. The storyline revolves around a mysterious fog that descends upon the town, triggering significant changes. What starts as a mysterious occurrence evolves into a thrilling narrative that brings families closer together. As the plot unfolds, certain characters are presented with the opportunity to step up and become the heroes they were destined to be. This project is a captivating exploration of themes such as family, love, greed, and sacrifice. It promises to be a rollercoaster of emotions, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats while also tugging at their heartstrings. Unfortunately, I can’t reveal too much at the moment, but I can assure you that it’s a story that combines suspense, drama, and heartfelt moments, offering a unique and engaging cinematic experience.

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Lucas Lockwood
Lucas Lockwood / Photo Credit: @carlos.mikelangelo
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