Chelsea Otto Ferary is an actress, musician, and philanthropist. Her latest single is out and it is the perfect song to kick off the summer! Not only is she busy recording but she also has an Etsy shop that gives back to the community. Chelsea took time away from the studio and from making slime for this candid interview.
Tell us about your latest music project.
Yes! My latest music project is my new single “Do What You Do” which was released on the 1st of June and can be currently streamed on Spotify and iHeart Radio!
What was your inspiration behind this song?
My inspiration behind this song was surrounding the feelings of confusion that appear when you are with someone who is confusing you by making you think that they like you but they don’t, hence the title of the song “Do What You Do”, as to why do teenagers experience these type of situations and why do some feel the need to play with each other’s feelings. I wanted to inspire teens to know they aren’t alone if they have ever felt confused and frustrated growing up experiencing new situations in their lives as far as their feelings towards an individual.
What was your favorite memory from all the projects you’ve worked on so far?
My favorite memory from all the projects that I’ve worked on so far was definitely the process of brainstorming lyrics and creating the melody for a new song I have created, that is currently in the works of production. I really had a lot of fun experimenting with the tone flexibilities in my voice around the melody and incorporating lyrics through my creative writing process where I spent time developing how to present the story of my song through my lyrics. This is my favorite part of the songwriting process where it really takes time to reflect beyond the surface of the purpose of your song and really dive deep to express what you want to share!
What is your favorite memory from recording this song?
My favorite memory from recording my single “Do What You Do” would be recording over the harmonies backtrack and creating the harmonies. I think harmonies are such beautiful assets to songs and can really add so much more depth to your vocals. I remember when I initially recorded the song, I played through my vocals and I knew something was missing, I decided to add harmonies to really bring the song into full circle and I was so glad that I did.

Photo Credit: Chelsea Otto Ferary
Tell us about your slime shop on Etsy.
My slime shop on Etsy is called Chelsea’s Slimes, you can also find my slime shop on Instagram as chelly.slimes. I started my business in 2016, and I really fell in love with the idea of making slime because it was so cool and fun to make with different types and varieties of slime textures. I was inspired to start selling my slimes after my friends constantly would ask me to make slime for them and play with the slimes I had made. I ultimately created Chelsea’s Slimes and decided that I should give back to my community by donating proceeds from my business to my charity Operation Smile. Making such a fun material that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and helping make the world a better place at the same time brought me so much joy! Slime can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and other tensions that daily life can bring. It can also be used as just a fun product to play with. I knew that I would be helping others through doing something that I enjoyed creating, which is what led me to find multiple ways to give back, by serving children through Operation Smile, and impacting lives positively by selling my product to help them in any aspect of their life where slime can help them.
Why do you think giving back is so important?
Giving back is so important because it shows humility and that you care about others and not just about yourself. When you give back you are deciding to make a personal choice to bless others who may not be as fortunate as yourself and I think it’s so important to spread love onto other in any shape of form that you can. Giving back is a great way to do so, and I encourage anyone who is passionate about starting an organization or business to help others to give back and be determined to achieve all of your goals.
Fun Question– As a singer if you could sing with anyone who would that be and why?
If I could sing with anyone, I would want to collaborate with either Sza, Steve Lacy, Frank Ocean, Zach Templar, and Clairo. I would choose to sing with these artists because I listen to and love all of their music! They are also all huge inspirations to me in my career. Their styles are all so authentic and original which makes me so invested to listen to their music continuously. It would be a dream to sing side-by-side next to the artists I listed because I feel like the tone of our voices would sound so beautiful together and it would honestly be an unforgettable experience.
Do you have any upcoming projects you can tell us about?
I do! Currently I have another single “Rewind”, in the works set to release on Spotify hopefully around July 13! As far as the future goes, I definitely plan to continue making music and possibly releasing a new album in the near future! You can stay updated with my new music releases under Chelsea Otto Ferary on Spotify!

Photo Credit: Personal Collection