Avaryana Rose is an actress and social media influencer. She has a new, very powerful film coming out about the taboo subject of Human Trafficking. Recently, I was able to interview this young talent about the upcoming film.
You have a new film called NOT FOR SALE out now. How did you get involved with this project?
I went to an in-person audition for JC films! Shortly after, I was selected for the role of Heather in “Not for Sale”.
What did you think of the script when you first read it?
I thought it was full of tension, and made me want to keep reading to see what would happen to Heather. The film is the same way!
This is a film about Human Trafficking. Did you know anything about this crime before you got involved with this film?
To be honest, I didn’t know much at all. This film taught me so many things I didn’t know before, and I’m eternally grateful for that.
What did you learn from making NOT FOR SALE?
I learned the official sign for human trafficking. It’s sign language, so you don’t have to use any words.
What can people do to protect themselves from this crime?
Always verify peoples’ identities! Also, being cautious about who you’re working with, and to be aware of the fact that they would be promising you things to get you on board. Finally, always bring someone with you to your industry endeavors! At the end of the day, be safe rather than sorry.
What is your favorite memory from working with Dean Cain?
My favorite memory from working with Dean Cain would have to be how he made me laugh! Also, how down to earth and kind he was. Every person he worked with was treated with respect and kindness.
This is a very dramatic film. Is there anything you did to break the tension in between scenes?
During filming a very dramatic scene, as soon as the director yelled ‘cut!’ he was cracking jokes and making me, and everyone on set, laugh hysterically.
Fun Question– What is one thing no one knows about you?
I am actually very flexible! I used to be an all-star cheerleader, so I can do some cool flips.
Where can we watch NOT FOR SALE?
“Not for Sale” is on Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Roku (JC+).